Sunday 22 April 2018

A Body in the Sacristy now published

Wow! That happened quickly. My first novel, A Body in the Sacristy, is now available on Amazon.
The link for the e-book version is:
or for my Canadian followers:
 Alternatively, you should be able to find it by typing A Body in the Sacristy in the Amazon search bar.
Next step is to get a print version ready for sale.

Saturday 21 April 2018

New website

I have established a website - It will allow me to post static material about my writing credits as well as the book, A Body in the Sacristy, that I soon hope to have published. It will also allow me to continue blogging about progress with publishing that book and other writing related things.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Maps of imaginary town in my novel to be.

The mystery novel (A Body in the Sacristy) that I am trying to get ready for publication is set in an imaginary town on the South Shore of Nova Scotia. I thought, since it was not a real town, that I should provide maps. Here are a map of the area and the town.

Sunday 1 April 2018

Back cover for A Body in the Sacristy

A few weeks back I posted my attempt at a cover for the first book I hope to self-publish. Here is my try at a back cover. It needs to include a blurb about the book and this generates a small problem. The novel is a mystery, in some ways a police procedural, but one with more focus on the community and the principal investigators family and friends that I expect in a standard police procedural. So in some ways more of a cozy mystery, but my central character is a police officer and I have no mystical elements. So I seem to be caught in between two sub-genres of mysteries.
Anyway, here is my back cover with an attempt at a blurb. Any thoughts would be appreciated.